We are excited at Pro Style Sports to partner with "Pitch in for Baseball" to help kids around the world play ball.  Pitch In For Baseball is a non-profit organization that provides baseball equipment to boys and girls in the United States and around the world who want to play ball but lack the resources.  Founder of Pro Style Sports, Michael Austin is extending his passion for the game by giving kids around the globe a chance to play hardball. March is "Step up the plate" month, and Pro Style Sports will donate 10% of baseball wallet sales for the month to be donated to the Pitch in for Baseball.

The Uganda Little League includes 30 schools (leagues) which link academics and sports. In 2012, the Uganda LL team made history by becoming the first team from Africa to qualify for the Little League World Series. Pitch in For Baseball has played a major role in that success over the past few years by providing the equipment to help the program expand from the initial 4 leagues to nearly 30 in 2014. The players (as seen on right) were proud representatives of their continent in Williamsport, PA for the Little League World Series, bringing an unmatched enthusiasm and quality of play to the ball field.